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Bitcoin UASF Proposal Activates Silently

After so much controversy and debate last night the scaling proposal UASF activates at block 478,484 on the bitcoin blockchain. However, its code changes were subverted by another proposal intended to disable the UASF.

BIP 148 permitted bitcoin’s node operator’s an approach to demonstrate their dismay with miners, who they accepted were blocking mainstream code updates, whom they contended ought not to have a say in such issues.

Accordingly, BIP 148 developed as maybe the most disputable route for the network to authorize Segregated Witness, one that while compelling, never accomplished far reaching endorsement.

The things would have changed when miners, users, and companies running the BIP 148 nodes have started rejecting blocks that did not show a signal for the support of SegWit yesterday. Which might have created the chance to split the bitcoin into two.

After the activation of the fork, the fear for the split of the chain has been avoided for now with the proposal BIP 91. bitcoin mining pools could rally together before August 1 by securing SegWit for initiation. UASF supporters frequently contend that mining pools were boosted to a motion for SegWit because they wanted to avoid the BIP 148 activation.

BIP 148 activation significance is apparently more representative, denoting the shirking of a split. Then again, a miner activated hard fork (MAHF) that will fork bitcoin is programmed for later today.
