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Bitcoin Price Dazzling Around $4,000

Bitcoin have faced frequent ups and down in its price within few weeks after the activation of a fork. Whereas the fork been profitable for the rise in bitcoin price.

The digital currency bitcoin has risen more than 300 percent since a year around, even after passing through some high volatility. The bitcoin has managed to retain its firmness and gaining the strength in its value according to the Bitcoin Price Index (BPI).

For those who have been assuming that bitcoin can face bubble once again have to see disappointment. Whereas the bitcoin price has been recording high above $4,000 since it touched the value on 12 August.

The year 2017 has recorded the highest flows of bitcoin price and other cryptocurrencies reaching the sky. The market capitalization of the digital asset has crossed more than 500 percent the same year according to the CoinMaketCap.

Bitcoin has managed to cross many hurdles in value and ahead comes the next fork scheduled to activate in coming November this year.
